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Accelerate Generosity for Kingdom Impact

As leaders, we know you have big dreams for your church. But how do you bridge the gap between your church’s vision and the resources you need? Our Generosity Strategists are here as partners to ensure your God-inspired vision becomes a reality.


Unlocking Generosity:

Moving From Transactions to Transformation

As you lead and nurture your congregation, finding yourself at a crossroads is common. You understand your mission, but the path to achieving it needs to be clarified. You must navigate stewardship, encouraging your congregation to invest their time, treasure, and talent in this Kingdom vision, but the fear of asking too much—or asking too much—weighs heavily on you.

Amid managing the day-to-day, the transformative power of generosity might get lost, reduced to mere transactions in the greater narrative of your church's mission.

Take a few minutes to discover how church leaders like you are now reaping the benefits of accelerated generosity through their partnership with Generis.



Get a Snapshot of the health of Your Current Generosity Culture

Are you curious how well your church is cultivating a culture of generosity? Spend a few minutes with our assessment tools to better understand your current position and gain direction on where to go next.

What Others Are Saying

“As a new executive pastor, I found our relationship with Generis to be profitable and of solid value. Their consultant not only came alongside me as we looked at the future goals of our church, but [they] had the experience to help sharpen those goals and think through them. ”




Our Generosity Services

We are dedicated to enhancing the generosity culture within your church. Our suite of services is designed to foster a lasting culture of giving through strategic guidance and expert analysis. Our specialized offerings are tailored to meet your needs and transform how your church approaches stewardship.

Receive guidance and accountability from a consultant who will help you establish a culture of generosity that will continue to flourish for years.

Uncover and enhance your church’s giving opportunity with an expert analysis of your church’s financial history.

Develop a framework for achieving stewardship goals through an intensive, in-person session with a Generosity consultant.

Combine biblical principles of financial stewardship with your vision to achieve the goals you have for your church.

An exclusive service of Generis, The One Fund™ accelerates giving for projects while growing givers’ long-term understanding of stewardship with this holistic plan.


Don’t Get Sidelined by Lack of Financial Resources

Few churches are always where they want to be with their ongoing giving. As a result, some pastors get sidelined by the lack of resources. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Still, you must ask, “What can I do to close the gap between the vision God has given for our church and the funding we need to carry it out on an ongoing basis?”

Let us help you. At Generis, we can partner with your church to elevate your financial resources to match your vision. Reach out today, and let’s answer this question together.

Effective Ministry Services

A culture of generosity in your church depends on clear vision, effective leadership, strategic alignment, and robust systems across all areas of ministry. Many church leaders don’t realize that when ministries are not aligned or key team members struggle to articulate the church's mission, it directly impacts the culture of generosity. When all ministries work in harmony, it fosters a deep passion for the mission, resulting in a more generous congregation. That's why we've assembled a specialized team of experts dedicated to simplifying and clarifying these complexities with you.

Family Ministry Services

Get a comprehensive evaluation of your Family Ministry Strategy.


Board And Staff Strategic Planning

Align board and staff roles to fit the current context of your church.


Pastoral Succession Coaching

Create a clear path for a successful handoff of leadership.


Featured Resources