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The Generosity Pulse Report


“How do we pay for this?” This question often stands between your current resources and what your ministry is trying to accomplish. If that sounds familiar, you're not alone. Our team hears that question all too often.

What if you could have clarity around your current financial standing, know what opportunities for giver engagement exist, and understand what you can do to begin moving the needle on generosity.

The Generosity Pulse Report offers a snapshot of the health of your generosity and stewardship culture.

By assessing the long-term health of your church’s giving and providing a clear view of your current finances, the Generosity Pulse Report eliminates the guesswork and offers your team confidence and understanding of your financial reality.

After meeting your Generosity Strategist and a secure upload of your giving data, your Generosity Strategist will analyze your past giving data, review your current giving, and identify key trends.

During a Discovery Session, your Generosity Strategist will review the findings in your data, provide expert recommendations, and go over your specific questions.

You'll have a clear picture of your church's current financial standing and understand that opportunities exist for greater giver engagement.

Now it's time to make a plan! Together with your Generosity Strategist, you and your team will develop a plan that fits your church's culture and context and helps you begin moving the needle on generosity.

Our goal is to help you move past the, "How do we pay for this?" conversation.

Contact Us to Get Your Pulse Report


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"Church leaders don’t always know what to look at within their giving data and  what you’re not looking at may be getting in the way of what you are trying to accomplish." 
  Jim Sheppard, Generis Principal + CEO