Fund The Vision
Short-term Tactics vs. Longer-term planning
Most churches have a God-sized vision, but are left paralyzed wondering how to fund the vision.
If you are leading a church that feels stuck in the area of giving and generosity, this resource will provide six practical steps that you can implement into the life of your church in order to accelerate giving.
This Resource Will:
Provide Six Practical Next Steps to Help You
Accelerate Generosity in Your Church
Identify Important Aspects for Long Term Perspective
Highlight Recommended Key Giver Indicators Your Church Should Be Monitoring Right Now
And Much More!

Remember that generosity is not a department or a silo, it should be woven into the fabric of everything the church does.

The Ultimate Guide To Saying "Thank You" In The Church
How well does your staff say “thank you” to the givers
in your church?
Establishing a gratitude culture in your church goes hand-in-hand with creating a generosity culture. In fact, we would say that you can’t have a thriving generosity culture without gratitude. The truth is, saying “thank you” makes a difference to your givers, to your staff, and to your volunteers.
We want to help you not only be known for being a generous church, but for also being a grateful church. That’s why we’ve put together this free downloadable resource, Gratitude: The ultimate guide to expressing appreciation in the church context.